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"In 1987-88, I created Critical Distance, my first slide installation made to be experienced in its projected form. In my slide installations, larger-than-life images dissolve into each other as they are projected into darkened rooms. The space is transformed as slides cover entire walls, appear on the floor, and move across corners. The continuous emerging and dissolving of images in a darkened room evoke the sensation of thoughts rising and falling in the mind. Exploiting the power of the transitions as one image fades into another, I expanded my ideas concerning the relationships between historical imagery (collective memory) and private imagery (personal memory). " - Lorie Novak


REVERB computer-based projection 2004
Internet Audio fragments, 22 minutes
Jonathan Meyer, software designer


COLLECTED VISIONS computer-based installation 2000
Elizabeth Brown, composer
Jonathan Meyer, software designer
Clilly Castiglia, sound designer

COLLECTED VISIONS I, slide installation 1993-94
Elizabeth Brown, composer

slide/sound installation

TRACES 1990-91
slide/sound installation
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