
This picture reminds me of my golden retriever, Maisy. Maisy was (and still is) very protective of me. When I was younger, she would always try to be beside me or even lie beside me. My dog, whenever I would leave the room, follows me everywhere. My dog is this exact same colour a golden, reddish colour and has the same deep brown puppy eyes. When I was younger I looked almost identical to this baby. I had dark brown hair, a head full of it I might add. My dog and I have always had a very close relationship from the day I saw her, to now. Even the first day we brought her home she only wanted to sit on my lap and my lap ONLY. She did not want to sit beside me, on the floor or any by other of my family members, if you put her in any of these places she would whimper or would constantly bark. When we got home I went to watch TV. My dog, because she could not find me began to whimper. I came up stairs to see what was the matter and when she saw me she automatically stopped, so in the end she came and watched Sailor Moon© with me. Now my dog is nine years old and I am twelve and we still have that same bond between us. I still have a picture when we were young to remember the joyous moments we had and still are enjoying. In the picture I have it is the two of us still side by side, no room between us. Our relationship is still like this picture no room between us.
submitted by
Calgary, Canada

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