Divas that Dare to Care

In the following, I will explain how female artists in the music industry have helped the youth of America fight against violence and the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Mariah Carey, this Long Island native has helped the Fresh Air Fund a great deal. She has established "Camp Mariah" where inner city kids can excape from the danger amd violence of the city streets.

Madonna with her #1 song "vogue", it's proceeds were donated to several foundations, agencies, and associations such as GMHC which fight the AIDS crisis.

Vanessa Williams, aids a very important charity called Covanent House, where young kids, gay, lesbian, or straight find shelter and can receive free HIV/AIDS testing.

Paula Abdul is the spokeswoman for the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, where scientists do research on finding a cure for AIDS, and where children are treated after being born infected with the AIDs or HIV viruses. All of these female artists have influenced me, that no matter who you are HIV/AIDS is everyone's problem.

by Samuel

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