These are photos of my best friend Frank Carchiolo who was an actor, singer, teacher of children's afterschool drama at the Village Community School as well as faculty member of the NYU Creative Arts Team. He also took care of my children. Frank died in March 1997. I miss him. He told me he knew I would think of him daily because my last name is the same as his first. He is right.



It is so heartbreaking to disperse your best friend's ashes (in Montauk; as he wished) and then have no place to visit him. I bought him a bench in his memory with a plaque in St. Luke's Church garden on Hudson St. (and Grove) in the Village. It has his birth and death dates and a description of him (his work). We used to eat lunch there. Now his old students have a place to go to when they want to think of him.


submitted by Judith Frank
New York, New York USA

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