Boda de Mony y Ben Mony and Ben’s Wedding

En la Boda de Mony y Ben fue en el año 1997 estabamos todas muy contentas, Monica es compañera y amiga de estudiantes de la carrera de Diseño Industrial, este dia era tan especial para todas pero muchisimo mas para ella, la acompañamos y disfrutamos del baile, la cena, el vino y los mariachis. Nunca olvidaremos ese día y los días que pasamos o pasaremos juntas.

Mony and Ben’s wedding was in the year 1997, we were all so happy. Monica is friends and classmate with many students from the industrial design department in college. This day was special for everyone, but much more for her. We held her company and enjoyed the dancing, the dinner, the wine and the mariachis. We will never forget that day and all the days that we have and will spend together.

Lucero Montes
Monterrey, Mexico

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